7 Signs Your Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed

The wisdom teeth are your third set of molars and are not needed for proper mastication. While humans no longer need wisdom teeth, they don’t necessarily need to be removed if they are not posing you any problems. 

As long as your wisdom teeth are growing in straight, aren’t impacted inside of the jaw bone, don’t cause you any pain or oral health problems, and are unlikely to do so in the future, it’s okay to leave them be. However, the only way to know this for sure is to visit your dentist for an oral exam and have some x-rays taken. 

A dentist will be able to tell you if your wisdom teeth need to be removed due to impaction, lack of room in the mouth, or because they’re prone to infection or decay. Read on in this blog from Pineville Family Dentistry to recognize the 7 biggest signs that you need a wisdom tooth extraction.

1. Pain/Sensitivity in the Back of the Mouth

Pain or sensitivity that radiates from the back of the mouth which can be sharp or a duller throbbing sensation is a sign that something is wrong with your wisdom teeth. Whenever you feel a toothache, it is a sign that something is wrong. 

Healthy teeth do not cause tooth pain, so this could be a sign of infection, decay, or impaction. The wisdom teeth could also merely be causing the pain because they are just breaking through the gums, but you should visit your dentist to make sure they do not need to be removed.

2. Inflammation or Bleeding of the Gums

Swollen, tender, or bleeding gums around the wisdom teeth are not a good sign. If they feel sore to the touch and have formed a gum tissue flap, this can trap food particles and bacteria and lead to infection. 

It can be very difficult to thoroughly clean the wisdom teeth if the gums surrounding them are inflamed. If the gums are bleeding when cleaning your teeth, this could be a sign that your wisdom teeth are emerging.

3. Sinus Problems & Headaches

Sinus problems often coincide with wisdom teeth pain. If you are experiencing headaches, congestion, or sinus pain or pressure, this can be due to your wisdom teeth pushing against the sinuses. Wisdom teeth pain can radiate from the back of the mouth to the ear and head because of tension in the jaw.

4. Cysts Surrounding the Wisdom Teeth

A dentigerous cyst is a cyst that forms in the soft tissue or jaw bone on top of unerupted or partially erupted molars. These cysts are filled with fluid and can cause issues with the surrounding teeth, nerves, and your jaw if it is not treated. These cysts need to be removed so they don't lead to infection, tooth loss, or jaw fracture. If the cyst becomes infected, it will turn into an abscess.

5. Unpleasant Taste & Breath Odor

If you notice a foul odor or taste in your mouth, this can occur if you are unable to properly clean your wisdom teeth. When wisdom teeth are only partially erupted or the gums are inflamed, food particles can get trapped around the teeth and the gums, and bacteria then turn them into plaque. If left untreated, this can lead to an infection. The unpleasant odor and taste are a result of oral bacteria releasing sulfur compounds.

6. Teeth Overcrowding or Crooked Teeth

Many people need to have their wisdom teeth removed because there isn't enough space in the mouth for wisdom teeth to grow into. As a result, when these third molars emerge, they can push into the surrounding teeth, causing the teeth to shift. 

The pressure applied onto your other teeth from this overcrowding can cause your teeth to become crooked and can also cause a lot of pain. If you get x-rays taken early, your dentist can predict if this will happen early on. It's best to know before it is too late to save yourself pain and orthodontic problems.

7. Tooth Decay & Cavities

Because wisdom teeth can be so difficult to properly clean due to growing in at an angle, becoming trapped in the gums, or only partially erupting, this can lead to the entrapment of food particles and bacteria. This can lead to cavities, tooth decay, infection, and gum disease. If your wisdom teeth are posing problems with you maintaining proper oral hygiene then it is time to have them removed. The third molars are very prone to decay and infection.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions at Pineville Family Dentistry

If your wisdom teeth are causing you pain, oral health problems, or are pushing against your surrounding teeth, it is important to have them removed. If your wisdom teeth are just coming in and you aren’t sure if they will pose any problems, it is best to get some x-rays taken so we can take a look at how they are likely to come in in the future. Contact us at Pineville Family Dentistry today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Troy Babb.